Pilgrim’s Congregational Life and Care (CLC) is offering pies again this year, with all proceeds going to Interfaith Action of St. Paul.
Choose from apple or strawberry-rhubarb pies. The rhubarb was grown and picked with love by the Stever and Toeneskoetter families from their own gardens!
Suggested donation is $30 each — feel free to give an additional amount for Interfaith Action of St. Paul!
Pies will be unbaked, frozen, and available for pickup November 13 & 20 — Just in time to bake for Thanksgiving!
Ordering information is "as easy as pie" by clicking this link — or you can pick up an order form in the Narthex.
Order early through October 16! Pies are limited.
Questions? Contact Ann Dyellig at ann.dyellig@gmail.com or 612-720-4403.
Thank you for your support in helping the local community!