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Worshipping at Pilgrim

Needs around the Coronavirus pandemic continue to shift. The Pilgrim community will remain vigilant but will also continue to modify precautions as conditions change.

The basic pattern for Sunday mornings:

  • 9:30 a.m. Worship with live streaming on Facebook Live

  • 10:30 Community Time immediately follows worship

Morning worship is held in-person and on Facebook Live at Outdoor worship is held in person only.

Worship each Sunday morning includes “Point for Pilgrims” — an opportunity for children and their families to experience the Bible story in an engaging way.

Sunday Morning Forums are not planned regularly in the summertime. Look for engaging forums to return in the fall once the 2022-2023 program year begins.

Health guidelines:

  • For all indoor worship services, we continue to expect worshipers to wear masks out of abundant concern for unvaccinated children and vulnerable adults, including during singing. Pastor and other worship leaders may remove masks when leading in the chancel.

  • For all outdoor worship services, we do not expect worshipers to wear masks, though any who wish to wear a mask are fully supported as they do so.

You can expect that these patterns and guidelines will continue to change as Pilgrim’s SMART Team and government authorities provides additional guidance.

Important Information About Holy Communion

For the time being, we will practice Holy Communion in a socially distanced manner. This means:

  • For the distribution of Holy Communion at indoor worship, ushers release the worshiping assembly row by row. Communicants come forward to receive the elements. Those serving Communion will be masked and will cleanse their hands immediately before serving. Communicants will first receive a piece of gluten-free bread from the pastor and slide it under their mask to eat it; then communicants will take an empty ceramic individual communion cup, which will be filled by a communion assistant with either wine or grape juice, carefully pulling out their masks to drink underneath them as they can. Used cups will be collected in baskets on the way back to the pews.

  • Worshipers who do not wish to come forward during the distribution of Holy Communion may request a self-contained, sealed, individual communion kit before worship begins or may bring their own elements.

  • For distribution of Holy Communion at outdoor worship, we will use individual communion kits, using up the kits that we already have.

  • ALL people are ALWAYS welcome to receive Holy Communion.

Using Facebook Live for Pilgrim Worship Broadcasts

The Pilgrim are able to tune in to indoor worship services on Facebook Live. Using Facebook Live for broadcasting is convenient and reliable. Pilgrim’s Facebook page can be reached at: Navigate to the church’s Facebook page at the time of the worship service and click on the video link. You do not have to join Facebook to access Pilgrim worship services.


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