Dear PreK Families,
It's so weird that I haven't seen your kiddos since they were much littler! But I have been thinking of you and praying for you—seriously, I have—since way back when the pandemic started and especially now after so much time coping without vaccines available to them.
You are invited to a special class on PLAYING CHURCH for you and your toddler on Sunday, February 27, 8:30-9:00 am with me on Zoom. Please note the change of ate from the calendar sent at the beginning of the year. You and your child attend together; we will explore playing church at home and play with the worship play set you received in the care package delivered to your door. It's important to get a chance to meet other Pilgrim parents/caregivers and kids!
Come as you are and do whatever you need to do while you attend. WE ALL GET IT!
You are all invited to worship after class on Sunday, February 27, 9:30 am in person or streaming live on Pilgrim’s Facebook page. We will have a special live blessing for you and your child during that service (in the middle of the service during announcements).
-Pastor Jen