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News from Luganga Lutheran Church

Hallow Karen and all our brothers and sisters in Christ at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Happy new year. We are so happy to hear from you that you are doing fine. WE also begin a new year with a big hope that Our Almighty God will continue to guide and lead us in a good way. My wife Imelda is fine and she continues saving people at her workplace.

Our students went back to school after a short break. The school has been open since Jan 03 2021. Out of 11 students we had last year four of them had completed their studies. Baraka Tagamtwa had completed form six, Owed Mkakatu had completed his vocation training in home electricity, Herieth Mwangwa completed her teaching course and Helena Mgalilwa completed her journalism course. Next time I will send letters of thanks from them. For that matter we got two new names, Doreen Bimbiga and Suzana Mbeyu. Doreen is my daughter and Suzana her Father poisoned himself last year when she was in form one. So we agreed to help her through this sponsorship. They joined Image Secondary School.

On behalf of all members of Luganga I send a special thanks for scholarships for our children, May Almighty God bless you abundantly.

Also we wish pastor Carol all the best in her new call, and we pray for you on your way searching for a new pastor. God will lead you.

Since October last year our bishop Blastone Gavile is sick and since before Christmas he went to India for more treatments, please join us to pray for him.

I have shared some videos with Arex, I am sure he has shared with you all.

Thank you for being in touch with us.

Many greetings to all


Pastor Huruma Bimbiga

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