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Ash Wednesday February 17

4:30-6:30 pm — Drive-through/walk-up imposition of ashes on Pilgrim’s west lawn. We need to be reminded of and comforted in our deep humanity that God shares with us in Christ in a concrete way—that’s why it is important for us to find a concrete way of sharing in the imposition of ashes for Ash Wednesday, February 17. For the drive-through, please come any time between 4:30-6:30 pm to Prior Ave on the west side of the Pilgrim Church building. Approach from the south (intersection of Prior and St. Clair), that way you will be able to pull over to the curb on the Pilgrim side of the street. Please wear masks and remain inside your car. Pilgrim pastors and leaders will be outside, masked, and ready to greet you.

You will be given a bag with a piece of charcoal drawing stick, a paper towel, and a prayer. You will be able to make a cross on your own forehead or on those in the car with you as the pastors speak the words to go along. Thank you to Pilgrim’s COVID SMART Team and creative colleagues for finding ways to make this possible! 7:00 pm — Virtual Ash Wednesday Worship, Pastor Jen Rome preaching (Zoom link / YouTube link) (Lenten Wednesday evening worship information can be found here.)

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