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pilgrim lutheran church

a home for hungry minds & souls

Apply to the Gustavus Academy for Faith, Science, and Ethics!

Calling all High Schoolers who will have completed 9th, 10th, or 11th Grade by June 2022 — check out this amazing six-day program taking place at Gustavus this June 18th-24th. The theme of summer 2022’s Academy is Our Beautiful Brains: Neuroscience, Mental Health, and Resilience. Youth attending the Academy will experience inspiring conversations, deep learning, and rich faith formation alongside summer fun and new friendships. Please take a minute to look at the website and reach out to Alex anytime with questions — he worked at the Academy three times while studying at Gustavus and loves it!

  • At GAFSE you will explore mental health and wellbeing alongside dozens of other fantastic people — peers, professional speakers, college students, and professors. This is an opportunity to explore the intersections of faith and science you do not want to miss!

  • Please let Alex know if you are applying so he can let Chaplain Siri at Gustavus know!

  • Registration is open until the Academy fills


pilgrim lutheran church

a home for hungry minds & souls

Pilgrim Lutheran Church,  1935 St. Clair Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105  |  |  Tel: 651-699-6886

 Office Hours: Tues - Thurs: 10am-3:00pm


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