Dear Pilgrim community, It is with a filled and affected heart that I write to you today — I have decided to conclude my time as Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries with you.
Most days, I wear two main hats — one is my Pilgrim hat, the other is my Seminary hat. This decision to conclude my time is not because of anyone at Pilgrim or anything that happened — it is because wearing both of these hats every day has been a wonderful but challenging, well, challenge! I have felt in my heart and discerned with God and neighbors that wearing both of these hats is a little too much at this time.
Next fall will be the beginning of my last year in school. I have formed some very meaningful connections with my professors and peers at Luther Seminary, and I want to feel free to lean into the academic and social parts of campus life that have felt a bit squeezed while wearing both hats. I will be studying, spending time with other seminarians, likely working on-campus — and altogether devoting myself to that learning space as I continue to follow the calling God has been nudging me towards — ministry that enacts climate justice.
My heart is filled because you, dearly loved children of God, have filled it. From my first hour of work zooming with Pastor Jen, Kate, Miles, and Asher — to this moment of sadness and joy — you have been absolutely incredible. I have learned so much about what church and ministry mean practically from you, we have laughed, wondered, danced, and been ourselves together. My heart is affected because I don’t want to leave. I am going to miss sitting in the transepts coloring, whispering, worshiping. I’m going to miss your heads popping up on Zoom — our phone calls, email exchanges, brainstorming sessions, and ministry work together. We navigated Zoom faith formation together, played outside, went on field trips, discussed questions, learned, unlearned, and altogether witnessed God’s fingerprints together in this Pilgrim community.
I will be thinking about and praying for and with you the rest of my life. My time with Pilgrim will come to an end later in the summer, in coordination with arrival of my successor. There will be a time to celebrate and say, ‘see you later.’
Peace be with you!